Saturday, October 24, 2009

weekend: project 'building/making/framing'

2009.10.24- another project update.
okay, so i remembered on the first week of class that john park introduced us to the program xmind and briefly lectured us saying how it's a good way to brainstorm and list ideas off or making a schedule (basically to keep everything organized).

i'm thinking of creating two different xmind maps for my project (oct 15-22, oct 23-30). from that i will be able to compare the before and after changing schedules. but the main goal is to see how this experiment has affected me. (what worked and didn't work, etc)

i worked on a draft of the experimentation i did on myself from oct 15 to oct 22 (i documented my daily schedule such as what time i woke up and slept). this information is taken directly off my journal. i just didn't add in the descriptions/thoughts.

i also added up the total amount of hours of sleep from that week and created an xmind on it just so i can easily compare the changes.

highlight: i'm surprised to see the total amount of hours i got in 1 week! i tend to sleep less when i'm loaded with a lot of schoolwork or when my stress level is very high.

i have yet to document oct 23 to oct 30 ("attempt" to change my daily schedule/habits such as sleeping early). once i collect the total amount of hours of sleep after oct 30 ends, i will create another xmind on it.

1 comment:

  1. Its coming along, i would like to see how your behavior changes when you get more sleep in a continuous time period. Trying to worry about one thing at a time is hard. Figuring out what you need to get done first instead of the entire term. Its lookin good!! Remember have fun with it, then it wont seem so stressful.
