Saturday, March 6, 2010

writer's block

Update 3/5. So the only thing that came to mind and got stuck with is Alice in Wonderland. Alice goes through different places as she was trying to find her way home and didn't know where she was going. So for the narrative, I wanted to create a scene with forests, roads/paths, and signs. Some of the things brought up last week from the group talk was that roads seen in forests are already common and gives it away from actually being "lost". Suggestions were that I shouldn't create a road through a forest and just have signs scattered in different directions. There is no clear path or direction to go, and you could go either way.
So the plan is to put road signs and tree branches in a photograph (forest/wood). I gathered photographs I took of skies/trees, and will take parts of those pieces and photoshop them in the image. I modeled some road signs but I still need to smooth it out and unwrap/texturize them. I tried modeling trees for the past few days and had difficulty with it. Having the flu + headaches aren't any fun and I'm still not well enough to sit tight in front of the computer to model. I'll give the tree/branch modeling another shot this weekend and hope I can somehow incorporate that into the 2d image.

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