Monday, January 18, 2010


week 3, Tuesday: the arrays i added on and moved around originally ended up a dragon-like shape but i had several problems with the camera/lens settings so i couldn't capture the entire dragon to fit in the frame. at one point i started from scratch because i wasn't sure what i was doing and got confused how the arrays worked and i had so many "emptys" that i couldn't figure out how to reverse what i had done. i decided to play with the arrays some more and this is what i ended up with. i still want to make a few changes. want a brighter color on the array and get it to look glossier. some of the other problems i had was getting a plane to be set under the array and the shadows and lights to show up on the array like i wanted it to be and some of the panels didn't show up. i'm going to play around with this again and see what else i end up with~

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